Our Prestashop Addons
At inAzerty, we merged our e-commerce and developer's skills to create some usefull and tested Prestashop addons, that answer to real-life problematics. All our addons were tested on real live e-commerce stores, with real customers, reals products... real datas!
Our Addons are made for every Prestashop users: Store Managers, webagencies, developers and Prestashop specialists. We conceived them to boost your Prestashop, by adding awesome functionalities.
Check out our Addons made in France, or ask for your custom development:

Generate a list of all the products contained in orders you want to ship. Combines products contained in several orders and saves time on the preparation of orders by going only once to the stock. extension See this module on Prestashop Addon
Product date
Allows you to modify the date of creation of a product from the backoffice and thus manage the display of new products and the order of products on the category pages. extension See this module on Prestashop Addon
combination in stock first
Automatically changes the default combination of a product when it is out of stock. Improves the user experience by avoiding the frustration of seeing products unavailable. extension See ths module on Prestashop Addon
Auto update On backorder state: when products get in stock
Automatically changes the status of an order "awaiting replenishment" to "payment accepted" (or whatever you want) when the missing products are back in stock. extension See this module on Prestashop Addon
On backorder: send available products first
At the customer's request, divides an order in 2 if it contains both in-stock and out-of-stock products. 2 orders are created on the backoffice side and you can send products in stock first. extension See this module on Prestashop Addon
SEO top product page
SEO: Automatically create TOP 10 pages of your best sales. These pages are optimized for natural referencing and should increase your traffic. Can also improve your conversion rate. extension See this module on Prestashop Addon
Top banner
Allows to display a banner at the top of your site on all pages. Very simple and efficient module
Custom Prestashop modules
Custom Prestashop Addons
As a Prestashop user, you probably encounter sometimes some recurrent problematics: export some datas to third-party software or API, optimize orders preparation, improve stock management...
We can certainly find responses to your needs, so ask us whatever you want!
We can certainly find responses to your needs, so ask us whatever you want!

12 rue de Fumel, 33800 Bordeaux
Custom module development request
Need to develop a Prestashop module for your website or for your customer?